Sunday Service 9:30 AM
Light on the Mountains Center for Spiritual Living
Mail: Box 1195, Sun Valley, ID 83353
Physical Address: 12446 State Highway 75, Ketchum, ID 83340
208 727-1631


What is a Spiritual Practitioner?

We are your Spiritual coaches, who see and know the divinity and humanity in all people.

We have learned to hold the truth for you, and know you in your perfection, potential and possibilities, even when you can’t know that for yourself.

We are here to use affirmative prayer to help navigate through difficult circumstances or to simply affirm the good that is already there in each of your lives.

We cannot help you change another person. We can only help you see situations through new eyes, which can affect change.

We affirm the truth of who you are, a perfect, whole and complete individual, with everything you need inside to be exactly who you want to be.

We have each studied for approximately four years to become licensed Spiritual Practitioners with the Centers for Spiritual Living, and are bound by a code of ethics to protect you and your privacy.

We will always offer tune-up prayers after service in our prayer corner. If you would like more one-on-one prayer, we are available for you to call, and can do the sessions over the phone or in person. The cost of an individual practitioner session is on a sliding scale of $55 to $85, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.


Ann Christensen, Practitioner Emeritus

Ann Prac Pic

Ann Christensen's background is in elementary, natural science and social studies education. She brings her love of learning, her curiosity, her passion for the natural world and interest in the history and cultures of the planet to Light on the Mountains as a member of the Global Visioning Team and a teaching aide. Ann is excited about the Center for Spiritual Living's Global Heart Vision and sharing her spiritual adventure with this community.

Contact Ann: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Cynthia Luck-Carr R.Sc.P.

E48355B0 CC62 44ED 981B 92AF3613F5B7Cynthia has enjoyed inspiring adults and children for over thirty years in the Wood River Valley and beyond.  As a certified holistic health coach and professional educator, her commitment to building
resilient communities and facilitating personal growth has manifested in many forms.

Over the 20 plus years as a member of the LOTM community, she has facilitate youth programing, planned stewardship events, and served on the Leadership Council as Secretary and Chair.  Now, as a member of the practitioner team, she is available to serve you in revealing your magnificence!  With deep gratitude she shares her love of the affirmative prayer process and looks forward to meeting you!

Contact Cynthia at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Pamela Sue Martin R.Sc.P.


Pamela Sue Martin came to the Wood River Valley with a Hollywood resume and has since raised her son here and spent twenty years within the Religious Science community. She incorporates the philosophy into an upcoming book on living with life’s exigencies from a spiritual perspective. She hosts an open weekly meditation in her home Wed. mornings.

“Prayer bridges the illusion of separation and I welcome sharing this practice with you as it helps us all to connect with the truth of who we are. Our mission as practitioners is to deliver the message that no matter how dark the news, there is something that lifts us forward, a fire of creativity. God’s transcendence within our soul.”

Contact Pamela: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Marcia Mode-Stavros, Practitioner Emeritus

Marcia Mode Stavros Feb 2024

Light on the Mountains has been my spiritual home and anchor for a few dozen years, and I have served as a Practitioner for most of that time. My life has been altered in the grandest of ways, having learned spiritual truths and how to turn them into action within my everyday life. Life lived in this way is easier, even in the darkest of times. I have shared joys and sorrows with this faith community and many of my richest friendships began over coffee at Light on the Mountains; what fun to share a spiritual journey with friends! I have appreciated learning about faith leaders and tenets that are similar to mine. I love blending my spiritual study with my professional experience as an event planner and writer and have shared many original writings over the years. I have also taken coursework to work with those experiencing grief, building on my personal experience after my husband’s death. Light on the Mountains is a haven, a refuge, a place of happiness, and a place of faith. I need it, I love it, I am grateful for it. It is our special little place with a great big heart and wide open arms.

 Contact Marcia: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



Tom Poole R.Sc.P.


Tom is our most recently licensed Prayer Practitioner. He is also a supporter and occasional teacher for our Sunday morning Youth Program.

 Contact Tom: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



Alex Taylor R.Sc.P.


I became involved with the CSL teachings as a teenager when my mother began studying to be a practitioner. Upon moving to Sun Valley in 1990 I discovered there was a Center here and started attending services. Flash forward and I became a practitioner in 2011. Why? Because the beliefs and teachings have been my guiding lights since the 1970’s. The LOTM community is where my mind and spirit is nourished and Irelishes in the joy and love shared by all.

Contact Alex: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



Sara Gorham R.Sc.P.


Sara Gorham 2020BSara Gorham has been a grateful member of Light on the Mountains since 1995 and a Prayer Practitioner since 2011. She is passionate about expanding our individual and collective realization of our fundamental Unity, both with one another and with Divine Source. Sara has been seeking to articulate that understanding for many years through her writings that she shares at Light on the Mountains and in all aspects of her life.

Contact Sara: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



The Revs. Bob & Barbara Grabowski


Rev. Bob and Rev. Barbara became founding members of Light on the Mountains when they moved to Idaho from California in 1987. In 1994 they both became Licensed Practitioners.

Rev. Bob became a Centers for Spiritual Living minister after graduating from Holmes Institute in 1998. He served as an interim Senior Minister for Light on the Mountains shortly thereafter and traveled internationally as a teacher of Science of Mind. He was appointed an Ecclesiastical Representative for Centers for Spiritual Living in 2004 serving as an advisor for centers outside of the United States.

Rev. Barbara became a Centers for Spiritual Living minister after graduating from Holmes Institute with a Master of Arts in Consciousness Studies in 2003. She is the co-founder and director of PeaceMaking Strategies. a resource designed to support wholeness and vitality in spiritual communities. 

Contact Revs. Bob & Barbara: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Candace Witt R.Sc.P.


I have always known, even as a small child, that I was spiritual. Over the years, I triedI have always known, even as a small child, that I was spiritual. Over the years, I triedto touch that spirituality through organized religion… teaching classes, studying, andtrying to fit myself into that mold…but it never felt right. Finally, through the words ofour then 14 year old son, I had my Aha moment, and walked out the door. Many yearslater, through a serendipitous meeting of a group in Portland Oregon, I met a womanwho was a CSL minister… and her center was only 8 blocks from my house! Even withthis, it took another 6 months before I was willing to walk in the door… but that daywas a seminal day for me… and I knew I was home! I had found a philosophy withoutdogma, and where I was accepted for who I was. It was easy then to follow that pathto become a Practitioner, and every moment since, I’ve known without a doubt that I’min exactly the right place, doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, and filled withgratitude.

Contact Candace: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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