Sunday Service 9:30 AM
Light on the Mountains Center for Spiritual Living
Mail: Box 1195, Sun Valley, ID 83353
Physical Address: 12446 State Highway 75, Ketchum, ID 83340
208 727-1631


Rev. Karin Willmer, Interim Minister

Rev Karin Willmer
Rev. Karin Willmer works in interim ministry for Centers for Spiritual Living, based out of Vacover, Canada. She became a minister in 2008 at CSL Kelowna, where she founded the mid-week Gratiude Cafe service, before launching her own center in Vancouver in 2015 shortly before her ordination. Since then, she has been a speaker at Canandian New Thought conferences held in Kelowna, Edmonton, and Calgary. Over the years, she has served on several Home Office committees most recently in Marketing, Global Themes as co-chair, Events, as well as being a member of the CSL Online Teacher cadre for global students. 

As a former journalist in both print and broadcasting, Rev. Karin has been a regular contributor to the Science of Mind magazine.

The congregation at Light on the Mountains is excited to have her guide their visioning process for their Next Chapter. 


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