Sunday Service 9:30 AM
Light on the Mountains Center for Spiritual Living
Mail: Box 1195, Sun Valley, ID 83353
Physical Address: 12446 State Highway 75, Ketchum, ID 83340
208 727-1631

What We Teach

We believe that God is not an external personality, but a loving presence that resides in all things.

We believe that all people are equal within this presence, recognizing that this love is unconditional and non-judgmental.

We believe in the Universal Law of Cause and Effect or Karma that has us experience the consequences of our actions, not as a reward or punishment, but as a natural result of those actions.

We believe that our thoughts and beliefs create our experience and that by changing our minds we truly change our lives.

We believe in the power of prayer, not as a petition or supplication, but as an alignment with the power and presence of God that always says, “yes” to that which we have the consciousness or belief to accept.

We embrace Jesus of Nazareth as the great example, as opposed to the great exception, knowing that his ministry was to teach us that our nature as humans is Divine. We realize this Divinity as we accept that all of us are sons and daughters of Spirit.

We believe that there is no one true religion and that each spiritual path leads to the same realization of union with God.

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